Every accountant knows how important networking is in the business they are in now and in the business they want to start for themselves. Competition is fierce regardless of the branch of accounting that you specialize in. You are fighting for every accounting contact that you make.


Every accountant has to advertise. The trick is to make your service stand out above the rest. You all understand word of mouth. You all use social media. The problem is that your rate of accounting contact growth is not meeting your expectations and more importantly your expenses.


There is a new tool that will make your advertising and networking faster, cheaper, and more productive that it is at present. The tool is called NetworkingContact.com. The major advantages are listed below.


1) Free to start


Your personal page is free


The idea is to start out by letting potential clients get to know you. You can certainly add details about your expertise and education as an accountant. The real idea here is to build as large a network of potential clients as possible. You need to be smart about this and pay very close attention to what you say.


2) Business account


This is where you show off your best. The idea here is to make what you do look so much better than any other company that people have to have what you offer. The advantage that NetworkingContact.com provides is target marketing in your geographic area.


NetworkingContact.com will not write the killer ad for you. You do that. They will give you the chance to more efficiently connect to the people who need what you offer and have a desire to let you provide a service for their organization or for their personal finances.


3) Video


This is a format that allows you to present your own videos. You do not need a professional company to make the video. The video does need to have a quality look and feel. A personal feel works best.


4) Direct chat


You get to chat directly with any person that is interested in you and your company and the services that you provide. This means you need to hone your sales skills through chat.


5) Private messaging


The site allows you to communicate privately with established clients and potential clients. Encryption guarantees the security of your messages.


6) Specials


There is a special discount page where you can offer low rates for annual events like tax season. People stress about tax season and what they have to pay so the discount makes you look better than the huge companies.


7) Portable


The entire platform works on any phone or portable. Your work can go with you anywhere.


NetworkingContact.com is a much more localized business networking solution. It costs less and produces better results faster.